Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pay Attention

This video is not new, but to me is one of the most powerful truths about education today.  I still find it amazing how many teachers still refuse to change their teaching style in order to engage today's learners.  Are they afraid of the technology? Are they afraid of messing up? 

The topic I get the most resistance from is that of using cell phones in the classroom.  The number one reason listed......"Student's will abuse it." This is a valid point, but do student's abuse their right to use a pencil? How many times do we catch our students passing notes or doodling when they should be paying attention?  Do we take away their pencils?  What about calculators?  Do students abuse this technology? Of course! Remember when we used to spell dirty words with the calculator? (Of course I never did this :)

The simple fact is this: It is our jobs as educators to prepare our students for the real world.  We are not going to do this the old fashion way.  Our students are tech savvy and need the extra stimulus that technology can offer.  Can't you think of the one student who never hands in their homework, but is always texting?  Why not give them an assignment that requires them to text?  

Bottom line: The world is changing and we as educators must adapt with it!

Video obtained from YouTube: Pay Attention

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