Friday, January 30, 2009

SpongeBob and Education - What's the Connection?

Who knew SpongeBob and educators had so much in common? I would love to hear some reflections on this episode and how it relates to the pressure educators face.

Video obtained from: Google Video;


Melinda Dent said...

I know myself and some of the other teachers I work with feel the same way sometimes. In reality, some kids just don't want to learn or can't seem to grasp the standards in the time allowed in a school year. However, if they don't learn, it feels like we are responsible. Sometimes I think too much of the responsiblity lies on the teacher and not enough on the student. I wish there was a better balance in assessing how much the student learns in school than just testing.

Mindy said...

Blu-Jay - I completely agree with you! It seems like assessments are calling the shots instead of authentic learning! Thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Blu-Jay. It seems that all we are teaching to is the test. I know that the time allowed for each of my classes is not much to teach in (only 30 minutes of computers and music) is definitely not enough. I get frustrated when I don't get through everything that I wanted to teach. It is hard to come back and try and see if they remember what you had to hurry to teach.